How long do the products take to reach the customers?
Shop page products take 2-3 business days for orders within Mumbai and 5 business days for orders outside Mumbai.
Do you ship internationally?
Currently, we are not processing any international shipments.
What are the shipping charges?
We provide free shipping for orders above INR 1,000. For orders below INR 1,000, a flat fee of INR 150 is applicable.
Who are Mindful’s shipping partners?
We have tied up with Shyplite and Pickrr to handle our shipping services.
Which products are eligible for a return, refund, exchange, and cancellation?
Only Shop page products are eligible for a return, refund, exchange, and cancellation.
Which products are ineligible for refund, return, exchange, and cancellation?
All Customize page products are ineligible for a return, refund, exchange, and cancellation.
What are the terms of the refund?
Refunds will be processed only if the products are returned in their original state, completely intact.
How do I create an exchange or cancellation request?
Kindly email your exchange or cancellation requests to
What are the charges applicable for return or exchange?
Customers need to pay to ship the products they wish to return or exchange to the Mindful Official address in Mumbai.
What is the refund amount processing time?
It will take up to 10 business days to process the refund amount. This includes the time for product quality checks.
Where should I self-ship the products I wish to return or exchange?
Kindly email us at to receive our complete address.